25 年生產研發經驗
25 年生產經驗
8大類產品, 6000多個品種
國威軸承專注于冶金,礦山,港口機械,風力發電,轉盤,海洋工程等重型機械行業。主要可生產八種工業滾動軸承,4000多個品種,5個精度等級,尺寸范圍為80mm? 4500mm,同時生產直徑在5米以下的中型和大型回轉支承軸承。
更多詳情Applicable equipment: 50~300 tons converter trunnion and tilting device Bearing installation location: fixed side and drive side of converter trunnion CA type d=400 ~ D=2000 mm/CAD type d=400 ~ D=2000 mm
更多詳情Strengthen surface contact parameters and improve bearing durability,optimize friction structure, optimize contact parameters, reduce wear consumption,use movable guide ring,adapt to heavy load, even load distribution
更多詳情Application part: wind turbine yaw and pitch system Application range: 750KW ~ 3.6MW wind turbine Structure: single and double row four-point contact ball slewing bearing Processing range: size: inner diameter 800mm ~ outer diameter 4000mm
更多詳情YWY special bearings are used in port machinery (quay) bridge machinery, marine floating cranes, offshore platforms, offshore machinery, wind power installation ships, platform installation ships and other mechanical occasions.
更多詳情性做爰片免费视频毛片app | 毛片免费视频 | 播放一级特黄录像 | 榴莲视频丝瓜无限视频app | 小蝌蚪视频成人黄app下载 | 男人天堂网址 |
高安市 | 从江县 | 赣州市 | 元江 | 赣榆县 | 视频 |
德惠市 | 香河县 | 阳西县 | 棋牌 | 象山县 | 扎囊县 |
开封县 | 铜川市 | 镇安县 | 巴东县 | 平和县 | 扬州市 |